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Gold Cup Countdown

Filmed & edited sizzle reel for Entravision's partners to get excited about advertising opportunities.

Influencer Campaigns

Edited reel to show Entravision's partners the advertising opportunities with the Branded Content Team.

Entravision Reel

Edited sizzle reel to showcase all the products that Entravision has to offer.

Erazno y la Chocolata

Edited talent reel to educate viewers on what the show "Erazno y la Chocolata" is about.

Selected Ad Campaigns

Tito's Grito

Tito's Vodka

Social media campaign for Tito's Handmade Vodka, celebrating the spirit and flavor of Tito's with a festive twist.


Blue Beetle

SoCal Toyota

Partnered with Toyota to celebrate the release of the Blue Beetle movie.


Our Festive Sweets


Dynamic social media campaign for Nestle to drive traffic to their website.


Passion & Parties

Superior Grocers

Combined the love for grilling, soccer, and celebrations with Superior Grocers.


Gold Cup Fever

Soccer United Marketing

Promoted ticket sales for the Gold Cup tournament across various key markets.

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